RVA Thriving Artists

a non-profit that sponsors programs to educate and inform artists, sponsors open figure drawing sessions, and exhibit opportunities for Virginia visual artists.

Projects include offering free exhibit space and marketing for under served artists, community meet-ups, free exchange workshops that focus on the business of being an artists and techniques to improve and expand one’s craft, open figure drawing sessions and stipends for community projects.


The Exchange

Join us for The Exchange meetings. In these programs, you will learn about the business side of being an artists (creating a website, marketing your art, copyright laws, and techniques around making art (welding, painting, illustrating, clay work and more).

Palette Knife Painting

Linda Hollett-Bazouzi will lead this Exchange. She has painted exclusively with a palette knife since 2007 (with rare exceptions). She picked up a knife at a class on using the palette knife and plein air painting, and never looked back. A huge advantage is the ease of cleanup!

In this Exchange, Linda will talk and demonstrate. Then participants will try their hand at painting with a palette knife. Supplies are included.

The event is free. Click here to register as spots are limited.

Figure Drawing Sessions

We sponsor open Figure Drawing Sessions on the first and third Sundays of each month. Join us. The fee is $10 and used to pay the model. Time is from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m..  Click on the date(s) below to register.

Happy Hour Meet-ups

Join us for monthly Happy Hour Meet-ups at Benchtop Brewing (434 Hull Street).  Time: 6 pm – 7 pm.

April 18

May 16,

June 20


Aug 15

Sept 19

Oct 17

Nov 14

Dec 19

The Community Bridge Project

RVA Thriving Artists is proud to share with you the Community Bridge Project. This program is a visual arts opportunity that bridges the gaps in the community for artists who are underserved and emerging artists. We sponsor a visual artist for a 3-month gallery exhibit at Art Works Gallery at no cost to the artist. The featured artist is chosen from applicants throughout Virginia. A display space at Art Works is provided and their work is promoted. The recipient gains valuable experience in curating their artwork in a gallery, hanging and pricing the pieces.

Amuri Morris

Meet Amuri Morris. Recipient of The Community Bridge award on display at Art Works March 2024 – May  2024.

Asia Anderson

Asia Anderson embraces watercolors for their unpredictability. The paint’s fluid nature demands problem-solving and adaptation, making each mistake a creative opportunity. Asia’s paintings will be on display through August 31, 2024 at Art Works.